NavCal assists incoming and historically marginalized students in navigating University of California, Berkeley through a hands-on approach that involves active engagement by students as well as coaching and mentorship by student mentors.
Learn more about the NavCal Data and Publications.
Learn more about the impact that NavCal is making in the Cal Community
Our partners and allies on this campus help our students achieve their goals and support their success at UC Berkeley
Nav2Cal is a virtual summer experience designed specifically for West Contra Costa (WCC) rising high school seniors on their path to and through UC Berkeley.
On average, 99% of NAVCAL Fellows are 1st-generation college students.
On average, 99% of NAVCAL Fellows are low-income students.
On average, 100% of NAVCAL Fellows are historically underrepresented students.
On average, 99% of NAVCAL Fellows obtained at least one letter of recommendation at UC Berkeley
On average, 100% of NAVCAL Fellows gained a better understanding of how to pursue scholarship and financial support opportunities at UC Berkeley.
On average, 97% of NAVCAL Fellows achieved a greater understanding of the academic culture at UC Berkeley
Average GPA is a 3.60 for NAVCAL Students.
On average, 96% of NAVCAL Fellows gained a greater knowledge of campus resources at UC Berkeley.